Marsha Trent has lived in Frisco since 1980. She holds a Bachelor's Degree specializing in Business and Education. Trent Learning Center was the second child care center to open in Frisco. She served as Director from 1986 to 2002. Although not present daily at the center, she is closely involved with the operation.
Dr. Daryl Trent came to Frisco in 1979. At that time there was one elementary, one middle and one High School. Dr. Trent developed music programs in all the schools. He served as Frisco High School Band Director for 27 years and was the first Director of Fine Arts for Frisco ISD. He is currently retired. He began the Frisco Community Band and anyone is welcome to join.
Dr. Daryl Trent has been honored by Frisco ISD being designated the namesake for Middle School #14 -
Daryl Trent Middle School - Home of the Timberwolves.
Daryl and Marsha are long time members of the First Baptist Church in Frisco. They have two married daughters and six grandchildren.